latest music. cultivated. noted for you.

the history

July 2010: The Genesis
It was spoken into existence as The Daily Note.
Cøøg and Louie carried the blog through the tumblr-web with one goal: promoting dope local Hip-Hop.

April 2013: The Re-Birth
The duo worked towards their own domain and branched out to promoting all dope Hip-Hop, no matter where it originated from.

2015: The Culture Charge
The Daily Note evolved from a website to a cultural platform. In came the merchandise, radio shows, partnerships, collaborative projects, live events and much more. Also, in came multiple members with their creative touches to add to the fold.

2018 & Beyond:
The Daily Note continues to look forward while remaining consistent with original content. Community involvement and mentoring has also become a key pillar of the brand. There is always an opportunity to reach back to help others progress in their passions.